Asger Harding Granerud
Asger is very much a traditional gamer. Started as a card gamer around age 6, and picked up chess a couple years later. Then came Magic the Gathering, which again was displaced by 15 years of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. In fact he is a former Fantasy world champion with the Danish national team!
He grew up in Mozambique and Denmark, and after high school was finished got a job at Games Workshop HQ in England, hoping to become a game designer. That didn’t work out, so he returned to Copenhagen and spent the following years doing a masters degree in public administration and development studies.
Post university he eventually founded and ran a boardgame distributor with around two thousand titles available, and also co-founded a boardgame retail shop in Copenhagen. In February 2018 he left it all behind and focussed full time on game design. If not playing games you might find him at the closest climbing gym, where he also happened to meet his codesigner Daniel.

Daniel Skjold Pedersen
Born in 1981, Daniel is living in Copenhagen with his partner Julie and their two kids, Ellen and Otto. Games and play have been a big part of his life, first as a child and then again in his adult life since he re-discovered board games a decade ago.
His childhood was spent in a Danish small town where he was always finding ways to compete and impose (some would say make up) rules on the go, much to the regret of his younger brother who kept thinking he had a chance to win a game of Guess Who? or lawn croquet.
In retrospect it is not a huge surprise to find Daniel working with games today, though it took a few detours to arrive here. He used to play soccer professionally and has a political science degree from the University of Copenhagen and Sciences Po in Paris before taking his first steps into game design in 2013. It took one visit to Spiel in Essen to be bitten by the bug which has led to games like the Kinderspiel des Jahres nominee Panic Mansion, the historical 13 Days and the adventurous cooperative Deep Blue.