
Winter Wars

As would befit your ration pack if you were about to embark on one of the coldest and most bitter fights of the war, after 5 long years of weary battles, we have packed this expansion with every thing you could ever need to combat in a snow-covered environment. Discover

Terrain Pack

From the sand dunes of North Africa to the mountain passes of Northern Italy; from the Pripet Marshes of Southern Belarus to the high ground surrounding Operation Market Garden... Prior to WWII, never before in history had a conflict been fought by so many men over such vast expanses of land and so many different terrain types. Discover

Operation Overlord

Take your game to the next level with Operation Overlord and relive the battles of WWII on a grand scale. With up to 4 players per side, you will soon experience the highs and lows of being part of a military-style chain of command. Discover

New Flight Plan

Air supremacy was a permanent challenge during World War II. In the battle of France, the Luftwaffe’s powerful Stukas were a key component to the German blitzkrieg that led them to victory. Over the English Channel, the heroism of RAF pilots saved their country from an invasion. In the skies of Kursk, Smolensk or Stalingrad, many Soviet pilots defended their land against German bombs. Above the Pacific islands, US fighters put up a desperate fight to challenge the mighty Japanese Zeros. And when the Allied forces landed in Europe, it was under a constant aerial cover of fighters, fighter-bombers, and bombers - at that time, allied air supremacy was at its pinnacle. Discover

Tactics & Strategy Guides

Memoir '44 fans now have a definitive reference tool with Alexis Beuve's Tactics & Strategy Guide. Novices and veterans alike will improve their Memoir '44 play thanks to this guide's use of core principles to understand and retain key concepts; and the careful study of the 139 scenarios and 4 annotated games included herein. Discover