Battle maps
The Battle Map series introduces a new format for your Memoir '44 game play. With Battle Maps it's fast and simple to setup and play Memoir '44 scenarios. Each oversized map is ready-to-play with all terrain, obstacles and unit positions pre-printed - just add figures and play. It also features the scenario rules, terrain and unit summary cards and historical background.

Hedgerow Hell
Last night, American forces have finally captured Hill 192, the dominating heights commanding all approaches to Saint-Lô. But German elite Parachute units were able to withdraw, under cover of darkness, and regroup with elements of the Panzer Lehr. Ordered in pursuit, the weary US troops are about to enter "Hedgerow Hell"... Download the rules
Tigers in the Snow
Hot on the heels of their success in Operatsiya Bagration, Soviet forces struck deep towards the Baltic coast, rapidly severing communications between German Army Group North and what little was left of Army Group Center. By early October 1944, the Soviets were in view of the Baltic Sea, near the port of Memel, definitively cutting off Army Group North from any retreat route through East Prussia. Despite Guderian's plea for an evacuation by sea and subsequent redeployment in Central Europe where forces were desperately needed to help stabilize an increasingly dicey situation, Hitler stubbornly refused. Instead, he ordered the 200,000+ German troops to entrench themselves, in the hope of using the Courland Pocket as a springboard for a future offensive. Download the rules
Sword of Stalingrad
By the end of August 1942, German troops had reached the Volga, north of Stalingrad. In a matter of days, 4th Panzer Army, headed for the river south of the city, effectively trapping many of the men and women of the Soviet 62nd Army. Stalin's order of July 27 - "Not a step back!" - was no longer just an obligation but a necessity, and its slogan "There is no land behind the Volga!" the harsh reality that now faced all of the city's inhabitants. Having witnessed first-hand on the Russian steppe the devastating effectiveness of German Blitzkrieg tactics, Lt. General Chuikov turned the carpet-bombing of the city to his advantage. Anchoring his defense lines in bombed-out buildings that overlooked strategically important streets and squares, he ordered Soviet troops to "hug the enemy". Always keeping the front lines as close to the Germans as physically possible, often a mere floor or door frame away, he successfully negated much of the Germans' firepower and combined arms superiority. Download the rules
Disaster at Dieppe
A raid on the German-occupied coastal town of Dieppe, Operation Jubilee was intended to demonstrate the Allies capacity to seize and hold a major port for a short while. The Canadians sent in just couldn't imagine how short their stay would be... The landing beach was a mile long, with headlands at both ends and barbed wire across its entire length. At first, enemy fire was light, letting the landing troops - Essex Scottish Regiment on Red Beach and the Hamilton Light Infantry on White Beach - make it through a first row of wire and toward the sea wall with only minor losses. But tanks from the 14th Canadian Tank Battalion had not arrived ahead of the infantry landings as planned; and once landed, they could not get any traction on the loose beach pebbles. To make things worse, the men of the Royal Regiment landing on Blue Beach near Puys arrived late. They were pinned on the beach, unable to move west and take the eastern headlands before the main assault. The Germans, now on full alert, swept the exposed Canadian forces. Control of the Casino and surrounding pillboxes seasawed back and forth but to no avail. Four hours after landing, the Allied commanders were forced to call a retreat, leaving almost 60% of the men who'd landed killed, wounded or captured! The lessons learned from this debacle were painful, but were of considerable help in preparations for the landings in Normandy, two years later. Download the rules
The first installment in our second series of Memoir '44 Battle Maps offers a campaign of 6 standard scenarios that can be enhanced with the two pre-printed Breakthrough battles provided in this expansion: The Battles of Khalkhin-Gol. The Battles of Khalkhin-Gol is a series of battles fought along the Halha River (Khalkhin-Gol), on the Soviet-Japanese border, at the very beginning of World War II. The Japanese Sixth Army was facing the Soviet 57th Special Corps, including Mongolian cavalry. At first, the battles were only short skirmishes, but it soon escalated into open war. The whole campaign lasted 5 months and ended with a Soviet victory. The six standard scenarios of this expansion can be played separately or as a campaign, with each scenario outcome impacting the following one. The pre-printed Breakthrough scenarios, Bain Tsagan Heights and Tightening the Noose, can be played in the campaign as well as one of the two Overlord scenarios, Encirclement at Khalkhin-Gol. The second Overlord scenario, Cape Torokina Landings, highlights the fierce battle for Cape Torokina between US Marines and Japanese forces that took place years later – therefore it is not part of the campaign. Download the rules